What They’re Saying About Before You Go

I recently I released Before You Go: A Few Sneaky-Good Questions Every Minister Must Answer Before Moving to a New Church as a Kindle ebook via Amazon. I’ve been encouraged by both the number of downloads (it has been the #1 bestseller in preaching on Amazon on at least two different occasions) and the reactions from those who have read it. I thought I’d share some of their responses. Thanks to Jeff Goins for the idea of doing a post like this.

Here’s what they’re saying:

“All seminary students need to read this”
Scot McKnight, on Twitter

“I’m halfway through BEFORE YOU GO. I already consider this must reading for ministers—whether they are leaving or not.”
-Mike Cope, on Twitter

“May be the quickest/most helpful read for any minister/pastor considering move”
-Chris Seidman, on Twitter

“Really enjoyed reading Before You Go . . .a lot of wise and practical stuff to think about.”
-K. Rex Butts, on Twitter

“Before You Go is a dynamite book. I laughed, remembered, and had my heart opened to check my motives in ministry.”
-Michael Hanegan, on Twitter

“I read your book this afternoon and just want to thank you for your wisdom. I’m dusting off from a disappointing experience with a church and see very much how your insights ring true. As a campus minister, I can say that your words are fitting for more than just preachers.”
-From a Reader’s Email

“I see many ways to apply this to any job. I’ve recently started doing more website/design work and some of these questions an logic behind them I can apply to potential clients. I’m looking forward to what’s next. No rush.”
-Micah Hurt, on Facebook


“It’s fantastic. Wade takes the posture of asking great questions that allow you and the church you are considering employment with to unearth assumptions you both carry about each other. You won’t try to answer all the questions he asks, but the wise pastor will mine this book for questions that fit their circumstances and process. With the book priced at $3 there is absolutely no reason why every pastoral candidate (and church searching) shouldn’t pick up a copy of this book and let it be a companion to their process.” -Mark Riddle on his blog

“Before You Go is full of wisdom bits of that only someone who has done their share of interviewing for ministry positions would know. Among my favorite is what Wade calls, “the airport rule” — paying attention to who picks you up from the airport and their possible motives. This piece of advice is humorous on the surface but serious in it’s substance–typical of the advice given throughout the book. This way of instructing makes the book an enjoyable read.” -Tim Spivey on his blog

“This is a must read for anyone considering moving to a new church. This book could be incredibly helpful to ministers. It could also be valuable to other church leaders.” -Jim Martin on his blog

“This book should be required reading in every seminary in North America. It also should be in the operational tool kit of every congregation. Actually, the questions are so well focused and practical that they transcend the books designated genre. As a business owner, I intend to adapt them into a blueprint for all our partnering contracts.” -K. Self on Amazon

“I’m no preacher; just an elder — and so the book is kind of a backward read for me. It doesn’t so much speak to my needs as the needs of those I interview. And that’s a very good thing. The book helps me understand where the interviewee is coming from. It might even help me help him avoid making a mistake.” Jay Guin on his blog


The book is rich in wisdom flowing from a wounded preacher’s heart. I find the material to be unlike anything I’ve even seen. This work will bring clarification and simple guidance to preachers, elders, and the search committees involved in ever-crucial moves of the future.

Terry Rush
Senior Minister
Memorial Drive Church of Christ

Wade Hodges is one of the toughest and most introspective ministers I’ve ever known. His ministry proverbs are forged in the furnace of real-life ministry, hammered into usable wisdom by his extraordinary intellect, and sharpened to penetrate the soul through his wit and candor. Every church board and minister search team should read Wade’s book twice; every minister should read it once each year.

Jon Mullican
Executive Minister
Highland Oaks Church of Christ

Have you read Before You Go yet?


  1. Very cool. Can’t wait to read it!

  2. Cecilia says:

    Congratulations, Wade! This is huge!

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