Meet The Preacher Geek

Yesterday I launched a new blog called Preacher Geek.


Because sometimes preachers talk about the strangest stuff and I wanted to host a dedicated blog for such discussions. It’s going to be a place where I (and others) will write about all kinds of preacher stuff that is far too geeky to inflict on the general readership of this blog.

If you’re not a preacher and decide to venture over there and see what we’re talking about, be prepared for some serious nerdiness. You’ve been warned.

If you’re a preacher or are studying to become one, then please join us. We’re going to talk about sermon preparation, communication skills, storytelling, time-management, the inner life of a communicator, career transitions, and most important, how to tell a good joke. Preacher-Geeks of the world unite!

Preacher Geek is not going to replace this blog. I’ll still be writing about everything under the sun (except preaching) here.

Here’s a poll question for all of you non-preachers out there. I promise to pass along the results to all my Preacher Geek friends.


  1. I have heard some awesome sermons that were 45 minutes in length. I’ve also heard many boring, confused sermons that were 25 minutes and seemed dreadfully long! Sometimes the length of the lesson depends on the subject and the speaking ability of the minister. I had professors/teachers in college that could mezmerize the whole class for 50 minutes, and others who bored us to tears in 30 minutes! However about 30 minutes is a safe area, even for the stinking sermons!!

  2. I have two theories for why there’s an 8 to 2 margin of “30-35 minutes” versus “15 minutes or less.” Either (1) there are more preachers voting on here than parishoners, or (2) voters never heard an awesome homily!

  3. I wonder how many people feel like they don’t get their money’s worth if a sermon isn’t at least 30 minutes long?

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