A Texas Prayer

Today I had the honor of serving as “Pastor of the Day” for the Texas House of Representatives. My responsibilities included saying an opening prayer at today’s legislative session. (This was actually my only responsibility.)

Here’s an early version of the prayer I wrote for the occasion. (If you’re not from Texas some of the references below may not make much sense. Others may be offensive. My apologies either way.)

After several rewrites, the prayer I prayed today was a bit different from what you’re about to read. It’s posted in a comment below.

Our Father in Heaven,
And speaking of heaven, we thank you for the great state of Texas.
You gave shape to our state when you dug the paths of the Rio Grande and the Red and Sabine Rivers with the tip of your mighty finger.
We shudder to think how without these rivers, we might have turned out as square as Wyoming or heaven forbid, Colorado.
(Although we are thankful for the mighty river of the same name and the many lakes, reservoirs, and rice paddies it sustains.)

Forgive us of our many sins.
Forgive us when we foolishly move from our homeland to live among a people who believe a state income tax is fair and just.
Forgive us when we mow down bluebonnets in our backyard because we think no one is watching.
Forgive us when we “accidentally” shoot a mockingbird with the BB gun our dad gave us for our tenth birthday.

Help us to remember the Alamo, because shamefully, unless one lives in San Antonio, it’s easier to forget than one might think.
Eradicate from within our borders anyone who believes pulled pork is authentic Texas BBQ.
Lead us not into Oklahoma or Arkansas, and only briefly into Louisiana for cajun food.

And deliver us from Jerry Jones.

Clear eyes, full heart, can’t lose.
Texas forever.


  1. That is awesome. Congrats! It’s awesome God is being heard where decisions are being made. Even if it is Texas.

  2. Dee Ann Andrews says:

    LOVE IT!!! Absolutely LOVE it, Wade!! As a Texan myself, I highly approve!

  3. Sam Middlebrook says:

    STANDING OVATION. Your best work, second only to “The Press Conference”. Major props…. Sam

  4. Dee Ann Andrews says:

    Wade – I shared this on FB with my friends, and two of them already have shared it, as well. You are “preahin’ the word,” brother, and all of my friends “like” it!! I may just have to email it to all the rest of my friends and family. Who’d a thunk!

  5. What an honor to be asked to do such a thing! Please tell me in the prayer you did pray, you prayed for wisdom and discernment for those men and women making those decisions, for humility for each of them to get out of their own way and do the work of the people they came to represent. I just think if we have an opportunity to pray for our leaders — publicly or privately — there’s lots more to do than simply showing them how Texan we are.

  6. Sarah–I’m glad you asked about the prayer I actually prayed.

    Here it is:

    O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name.

    When we consider the works of your fingers, the beauty of your creation, and the complexity of your world, we are in awe that you would entrust us with its stewardship.

    May we exercise the authority you have delegated to us in a way that rightly reflects your image in us.

    You are a God of wisdom, so we ask that you would make us wise today in all we say and do and decide.

    You are a God of truth, so we ask that you reveal your truth to us today through your world and your word so that we may speak to each other your truth in love.

    You are a God of justice, so we ask that you use us as your instruments to set what is wrong in our world aright.

    You are a God of compassion, so we ask that you train our eyes on the poor and shape our hearts to serve everyone in our neighborhood.

    You are a God of grace, so we ask you to continue to bless us with more than we deserve and empower us to treat others as you have treated us.

    You are a God of creativity, so we ask you to inspire us to find new and improved solutions to age-old problems.

    You are a God of peace, so we ask for your peace to dwell in us this day.

    May your kingdom come and may your will be done, in this time, in this place, in this state, and on this earth, just as it is in heaven.

    For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever amen.

  7. Ken Holsberry says:

    Love the first prayer and think you should have prayed it! God bless Texas!

    There’s no way to ask this without sounding too critical when all I really want is to sound just a little critical. I can’t help but notice that you didn’t mention Christ or speak the name of Jesus. What’s up with that?

    • Ken–I based my prayer on Psalm 8 and the Lord’s prayer. My closing lines are based on the way Jesus taught us to pray. I hope it was a prayer everyone with some kind of faith could affirm.

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