It is my pleasure to announce that I have accepted the Senior Minister position at the Preston Road Church of Christ in Dallas. I was a guest speaker there back in March and that led to multiple conversations with the elders, search team, staff and other key leaders about filling the position.
I tried to follow my own advice in Before You Go by asking as many good questions as possible and they did the same. Throughout the process, it became increasingly clear that Preston Road would be a great church for my family and that my family could serve and bless Preston Road. We are both humbled and honored by the invitation to join their team.
The timing is impeccable. We closed on the sale of Defiant CrossFit last week. The kids get out of school this week. We’ll transition, vacation, and pack in June and then move to Dallas in July.
We can’t wait!
excited to have you come to Dallas, Wade!
Thanks Jenni. We’re excited to be heading that way.
Glad to have you in Dallas. We’ll have to catch up sometime. Congratulations on the new position!
Thanks Trey. Lunch is on me when I get to town.
Wade: That’s exciting! We will be praying for your transition! God bless… Mark Henry
Thanks Mark. Have you tried CrossFit yet?
That’s so awesome for all of you! I secretly was hoping we would be able to snatch you up here in Albuquerque. Alas, you are a Texan. They will certainly be blessed by having you.
That’s very kind Kim. Thank you. I have loved my time at Montgomery and I’m still coming in June.
I’m SO happy for both you and Preston Road! I heard you speak back in the day at the Tulsa Workshop, and have kept up with your journeys since then – you will be a great addition to the family!
Thanks Amy. I remember you from the workshop days! Hope you are well.
I pray that you, your family, and PRCoC are blessed beyond measure.
Blessings on you R.
We are thrilled to know you and your sweet family will be joining us at Preston Road. Much joy and excitement is in the air! It’s an amazing church family! Look forward to meeting you all soon!
Thanks Becky!
Wow, Wade!! That’s really wonderful!! I’m very happy to hear this news. I just hope you won’t stop blogging and writing!
I’m also excited because maybe we can come hear you at Preston Road. Tom & I come there a lot (just left from there yesterday to come home after a 10 trip to Texas) because I grew up in Texas and a lot of our family is out there. My daughter lives in McKinney and my step-daughter lives in Grand Prairie and we have grandkids there and I have a cousin. Yea!!!!!
Thanks for making my day today!!
See you in Dallas Dee!
So excited to have you and your family in Dallas. My first question to the elders when you came to speak was “Can we keep him?”. You were able to relate to many people with your sermons. As the mother of teens, I watched the youth as you spoke and they were actually paying attention to you instead wach other or their phones…not an easy state to achieve. Also excited to see your interest in fitness and wellness, as a chiropractor.
Welcome to PRCC!
Thanks Gena. We’re looking forward to getting started. Also good to know where to go to get an adjustment.
It was nice getting to meet you yesterday at Eastside. Preston Road has always held a special place in my heart as my husband and I spent our first Sunday there as husband and wife on our honeymoon. One of my favorite Children’s Ministers is on staff there. I know Farland will be so excited that you are coming and will be a blessing for you to work with. May the Lord bless your ministry in ways behond all you can ask or imagine!
After I left yesterday, I wish I had told you my most favorite Matalee story. When I had a lengthy stay in the hospital, Karen called and said Matalee wanted to sing me a song. Since she was three I was anticipating “Jesus Loves Me”. No, Matalee sang “Lay Your Burden Down” as I cried the whole time
In a couple of weeks they called again and this time she sang “I Am The Sheep”. To this day, I can’t sing either of those songs without sweet memories of Matalee 
It was great to meet you yesterday Lynn. I love that story! So sweet.
Well, I am officially jealous of them. I looked over the website and it looks like a great place. I know you wouldn’t be going there unless there is something special and it seems that there is. I really liked the local outreach that I saw. I’m excited to see what is going to happen there after you start teaching! I’m also looking forward to when you start posting your sermons!
I’m already praying for you and them! YAY JESUS!
Come see us sometime Micah. Dallas is just down the road from T-town.
Dude, I might just do that. ROAD TRIP!
Congratulations, Wade! May the next chapter be richly blessed.
Thanks Randy.
Wade – we are so excited to have you, Heather and the boys at PRCC. We are praying for you guys to have a smooth transition. We are looking forward to what God has in store for us all in this next chapter of Preston Road.
Thanks Roxanne. We’re busy down here getting ready to get busy up there!
Wade, Heather and Boys = we are excited by the news of your coming to PRCC to lead us forward and begin the next chapter for PRCC. We find Preston Road full of wonderful people who are striving to follow God’s calling. We look forward to meeting your family and getting to know you all in the years ahead!
Thanks Danelle.
Congo-Rats Man!
Figures. The past few years I had been toying with the idea of coming out and visiting you folks in Austin around the SXSW timeframe. *sigh* But good to know you’re not letting the moss grow under your feet. (…do they have moss down there?)
I changed employers myself a few months back. I’m working at Logos Bible Software now with their software development QA team.
May your journey with Preston Road be richly blessed Wade.
~~ Mark
Brother Wade, congratulations on the new position at Preston Road.
God bless you, your family, and the work y’all will do at Preston Road.
Welcome to Dallas.
Grace and Peace.
This is great new! I knew that Preston Road would not settle. They were good to wait . . . “wait on the Lord.” We like to worship with Preston Road when we are in Dallas. Look forward to getting to hear you again. Wow. I told you that you were being prepared for something. Maybe this is it.