We’re already way behind on summer movie watching.
Haven’t seen DVC or X-Men yet. Did see MI3, which could have also been titled, “Watch Tom Cruise Run A Whole Bunch”
Two movies I’m really looking forward to: Superman and Miami Vice.
Training For Something Greater
We’re already way behind on summer movie watching.
Haven’t seen DVC or X-Men yet. Did see MI3, which could have also been titled, “Watch Tom Cruise Run A Whole Bunch”
Two movies I’m really looking forward to: Superman and Miami Vice.
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Miami Vice? I’m looking for some kind of explanation on that one. I have seen you dress and I didn’t take you for a teal shirt boat shoe kind of guy.
Darin–the Miami Vice thing is easy to explain–I love Michael Mann films.
If anyone asks you to go see X-Men III, take the following steps, in sequential order.
1. Hand them $10.
2. Ask them to punch you in the fleshy part of your neck as hard they can. Make sure they don’t catch your windpide by accident, but have them hit you on the side of the neck so that it hurts really bad and leaves a mark.
Doing this will:
1. Save you money.
2. Take less of your time.
3. Be much less painful.
I want to see Pixar’s “Cars”. After four kids, I get excited about new Disney movies! I know, my brain is mush! Lynn
“Thank You for Smoking” great movie. Plus “Cars” is from John (Toy Story) Lasseter who is another one that got away. His parents still attend the Whittier Church of Christ. Seen XMen, DVC, MI3 FWM and have not enjoyed anyone.
I think Tom Cruise has it in his contracts now that he must have a minimum of three running scenes in any movie in which he appears. I can’t believe he missed out on the lead for Forest Gump.