Heather and I are officially addicted to Battlestar Galactica. It just may be the best show on T.V. The plot actually moves forward, unlike another show I’m starting to get tired of.
Training For Something Greater
Heather and I are officially addicted to Battlestar Galactica. It just may be the best show on T.V. The plot actually moves forward, unlike another show I’m starting to get tired of.
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I absolutely love BSG! It is an amazing story, very interesting spiritually, too.
Absolutely! BSG is by far the best show on TV! The characters have great depth, the plotline does move forward, and the spiritual dimension is ever-present. The characters, both good and evil, continually surprise us since they’re unpredictable, much like real life.
I’m hooked on this one, too, Wade. Great characters, great writing – not afraid to explore tough, darker issues.
All TV should be this good.
Now, how are you going to go and bash Lost??
I may have to disfellowship your website. Churches have split over lesser matters….
It’s the journey that is important and exciting. Who cares where they end up and when. They are developing the characters like a great novel instead of an MTV sitcom.
Just another BSG addict, along with my wife. It’s the Only Show Left now that West Wing is gone and Law and Order got old…
Yeah…I could have told you that…on both counts.
Lost = lame
BSG = teh awesome
I gave up on LOST during the second season. Questions never got answered, the plot only got more complicated and if you missed a week or 3, you were totally LOST.
LOST should probably go the way of the dinosaur soon, but it will ride on its reputation for another 3 or 4 years. I mean, look at how long 24 has ridden along and it is a weak imitation of its former self.
Lost may be the single most lame show ever written. I was hooked. I watched seasons 1 and 2 faithfully. I’ve stopped watching. It’s going nowhere.
bring on 24!
I agree, Lost is a drag this season. What happened????? And now we’re supposed to remember until February all the bizarre things that have happened? I don’t think I’m going to care.
I have never seen an episode of Battlestar Galactica LOST has been dragging but I can’t seem to stop watching it. My absolute favorite show out there right now is The Office. I love that show!!!