Last night I watched Pan’s Labyrinth.
Good, good movie. Very dark, but beautiful, with a dash of gospel thrown in at the end.
The Pale Man was one scary character.
If I had seen a picture of him when I was a kid I would have never slept again.
Training For Something Greater
Last night I watched Pan’s Labyrinth.
Good, good movie. Very dark, but beautiful, with a dash of gospel thrown in at the end.
The Pale Man was one scary character.
If I had seen a picture of him when I was a kid I would have never slept again.
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I remember thinking that looked like a well-made movie when it first came out. I saw it in the video store recently and thought the same thing, but no one else in my family enjoys watching “scary” movies so I’d have to watch it by myself and, honestly, I’m not sure I’d be able to sleep again.
I turned it off for a week after the wine bottle beating. Picked it up a week later and really enjoyed it but felt that I wouldn’t go recommending it to just anyone.
I guess seeing it on video tamed the ‘fear’ factor for me. I don’t enjoy ‘scary’ movies really but I enjoyed this one. There is a difficulty/painfulness in the movie, but part of what the movie has to say is about the painfulness of life – without apology.
Take that picture off your blog. It’s freakin me out.
Really? I thought Pan’s Labyrinth was one of the worst movies ever. Random gratuitous violence, in Spanish, weird story, I fell asleep. I guess everyone has different tastes.