Fascinating conversation with N.T. Wright and Anne Rice. Strange combination.
Training For Something Greater
Fascinating conversation with N.T. Wright and Anne Rice. Strange combination.
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This is outstanding, Wade. Thanks for the link! -bw
N. T. Wright ROCKS!!!
Thanks Wade for your post today. Wow.
Thanks for posting this. What an interesting combination of people. Thanks again–I don’t know I would ever found it.
Alright, I’ve long been intrigued by Rice. Despite her prior darkness, I felt there was something more lurking in her dark corners. I always sympathized with her traumatic past. As an aspiring author, I have also respected her prolific career… a bit of a female Stephen King. Lately, I’ve been very interested in her conversion (or re-conversion) and most recent works. Yet, I haven’t taken the time to read her lately.
Now, Wright has also intrigued me for a long time now. His work has kept returning to my reading list, but I must admit that I have been rather successful at avoiding him due to his lengthy prose. Shallow reasoning I know, but embarrasingly true. I’m not the quickest reader (in some part because I read on many levels at the same time, trying to learn as a student of life, enjoy as an avid reader and take notes as a wanna-be writer) and I find myself balancing quality with quantity.
All this to say thanks. I listened to the mp3 version of Wright and Rice while working today and now I’m in real trouble. I believe I’ve pushed the tipping point on both of these authors and now I must pick their work from the shelf without putting it back after my quantity/quality coin toss. As a result I’ve come to a decision about my future. I must quit my job(s) and become a full-time reader. I’m sure you would agree that this is the only real option available. As well, being the kind of guy you are, I’m sure you will support my decision in a concrete way. What’s for dinner?