My Friend from Down Under

Today I finally had a face to face with an online friend whom I’ve been corresponding with for a couple of years now. He flew into town yesterday for the Tulsa Workshop. He’s from Australia and twice my age. Separated by a generation and a world of water we came together today for a meal and a cup of coffee. He’s a regular listener to my podcast. Today I had the pleasure of listening to him tell his story and found him to be a kindred spirit. We had a great afternoon together. The Kingdom of God makes these kind of encounters possible. It’s one of my favorite things about what I get to do with my life.

In addition to great conversation, I also heard him stump a Starbucks barista with his coffee order. Ordering a “flat white” will get you a no froth cappuccino in the land down under. Here it will get you a bewildered look. I think it should also get you a free cup of coffee for stumping the barista, but it doesn’t.


  1. Batista 2 times in one post!! Too much starbucks I say.

  2. I don’t know much about coffee, but wouldn’t removing the foam from a cappuccino make it simply a latte… or maybe even just a steamed milk? I thought the recipe of cappuccino includes foam. In fact, just guessing, but I think Starbucks makes cappuccinos European-style with 50% foam and 50% milk. Hmmmmmm? I’m stumped.

  3. So what you’re saying is that Starbucks is charging three dollars for a drink that is 1/4 air?

  4. Try ordering a plain black cup of coffee. Stumps them every time.

    I met your friend from down under. He bought one of our cds. What a treat it was to talk to him even if it was just for a few minutes.

  5. Wade – yes, it is simply air, but with milk bubbles wrapped around it, tightly condensed and warmed to a perfect 170 degrees. That, my friend, is worth $3 anyday wouldn’t you agree?

So, what are you thinking?