Generation Y embraces choice, redefines religion
By Cheryl Wetzstein
Most young Americans strongly believe in having choices, an attitude that is likely to shape their identification with traditional religions, a study says.
Training For Something Greater
Generation Y embraces choice, redefines religion
By Cheryl Wetzstein
Most young Americans strongly believe in having choices, an attitude that is likely to shape their identification with traditional religions, a study says.
Gen Yers
I found out that I belong to a category of
consumers called the [Generation Y][3] or Gen Yers. In short if you
are born between 1979 and 1994 (exact dates are debatable), you are a
Gen Yer. In [America][8], Gen Yers are more than three times the size
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I would say all Americans strongly believe in having choices. Everyone has dreams and needs Identification. I think everyone yearns for God. We are all made to worship him. I think the problem that we have in the church is that we don’t get that message out. People are longing for something they just don’t know what that something is. Young and old alike yearn for that completion that comes by knowing their maker.