It Ain’t How Hard You Hit . . .

Time Trial #2

I Miss The Mob

I miss the mob from Derek Sivers on Vimeo.

Suffering in the Sand

The latest installment of the “Messy Hair” series.

Big Goal, Small Chunks

In this video I talk about the necessity of breaking down a big goal into smaller chunks. 400M Repeat Times (with 2 minutes rest in between) 1:21 1:25 1:25 1:29 1:32

A Focused Performance Goal

Last night I ran 4X400M with 200M walk breaks in between. Each walk break was less than two minutes. I ran the first 400M in 1:27, the 2nd in 1:26, the third in 1:24, and the fourth in 1:23. In order to run a 5:17 mile, I need to average 1:19 on all four laps […]

Results From Baseline Mile Time Trial

Final Result: 6:09 Split 1: 1:28 Split 2: 1:34 Split 3: 1:35 Split 4: 1:31

Writing Down the Bones

In this video blog I talk about one of the most helpful books on writing I’ve read, Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg. Special thanks to G. K. Self who recommended it to me many years ago.

Let Your Life Speak

Here’s my first video blog. It’s far from perfect, but as you’ll see, that’s part of the exercise. (Next time I’ll turn my camera sideways) 🙂 In this video, I tell a great story from Parker Palmer’s Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation