The Christian Chronicle has an article online about the
Article in the Christian Chronicle
January 17, 2006 by
Training For Something Greater
The Christian Chronicle has an article online about the
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I think it is a balanced article also, but I wish they had interviewed Monte Cox at Harding. Thanks for all your efforts in this regard Wade!
The article is balanced. I just don’t understand the whole “brother-in-error” statement. I hear that all the time. A man either is my brother or isn’t. And these folks in the ICC/CoC from my pov are.
Well, it would seem to me that we’re all brothers in error! The question that the CoC must resolve is whether the perceived error of using instruments is a heaven or hell matter. ‘Cause if it isn’t, we need to remove that barrier to fellowship (that doesn’t mean the CoC must use instruments, just that they not condemn or marginalize those who do). If it is, well, then the wall needs to stand and the ICC needs to be pleaded with to return to the truth. Speaking as one who has walked on both sides of the issue.
I like the part where WBS says that Tulsa has lost its Roots but they still show up at our lectureships that have nothing to do with Evangelism.
If we’re all brothers, then why focus on the error part?
I am sad that some people are withdrawing support.
People need to move on from some of these doctrines that
were theologically poor when they were created.
For some people to say that these topics have nothing to do
with evangelism are actually wrong.
For us to show love and understanding. To unite in Jesus.
Those things will reach out to new people who thought
the Churches of Christ are unloving. This is true
evangelism…to show others that we can get along in Jesus
even if we don’t agree on everything.
And here I thought unity might actually help us in the process of evangelism.
I was really discouraged to read the quotes from those institutions not attending the workshop. I’m (seriously) curious with what other qualifications they’ve added to the word “unity”, other than the simple, single qualification Jesus stated in John 17.
Candidly, and respectfully, the excuse of not attending because of a ‘shift away from soul winning’ appears very weak. Is it some skewed definition of ‘unity’ that makes John 17:20+ not apply to evangelism?
Most of the major speakers at the Workshop can’t speak for more than a couple of minutes without letting their passion and love for the lost bubble over, as they have for years. There’s not going to be a shift away from soul winning as long as Marvin, Rick Atchley and others are speaking.
I really hope that the fear of losing financial support, didn’t drive those institutions to make these weak statements.
But what do I know… .
“I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those who also believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, even as Thou, Father art in me, and I in Thee, that they also may be in us; that the world may believe that Thou didst send me”
Jesus sure thought unity affected evangelism. Can’t wait for the workshop!!
(Sorry, the NASB was all I had handy) 🙂
oops! Glenn kinda already made that point didn’t he? That Glenn is a smart guy.
I know a couple of those men, and I think the reasons for not attending are weak as well, though this is not the first time one of those institutions has avoided the Workshop over the themes/speakers, if I recall correctly. I’m disappointed, too, in the reason given that there will be no dialogue over the issues that divide us. How can one have dialogue if he doesn’t show up?
As a graduate of an independent Christian church seminary, I am absolutely thrilled at what will happen at Tulsa this year! To see brothers and sisters with a common heritage come together is going to be an incredibly emotional experience.
Thank you, Wade, for helping make this a reality. Surely, God is pleased, and I imagine smiles have crossed the faces of Alexander Campbell and Barton W. Stone.
Can someone name a brother who is not “in error” at one time or another? It seems very condecending to me to call someone a “brother in error” as if they were something less than family. You can’t choose your family for pitty’s sake!
Why Monte Cox? Just curious.
I just received the Christian Chronicle today. The first sentence of that front page article put me on the defensive. There were a couple of things that really saddened me in the articles/interviews. One was that whole “brother in error” deal; as was said in other comments, who ISN’T in error at one time or another? The other thing that really jumped out at me is this age old idea that we, the cofC, are the only “right” ones. How do they figure that??????? Wade, I am proud of you for standing up for what you think needs to be done. I am praying for you and for the Workshop; I love it! And I know God will bless it and you!
I am a peacemaker at heart…and this whole thing has me worried. Worried for you and the criticism you will receive, and worried for those who will give it (and the anger they feel.)
Do you have a good group of people praying over you? Are you ready to handle the criticism that may come your way?
I think God will smile at the call for unity, but I wonder what He will think of the fighting that comes as a result of it. Any ideas?
God bless you in your efforts. Looking forward to the Workshop!
I will pray for you and all that leave the one true church of Christ and join in fellowshipping with the world and its denominations. And as for one being in error…when God gives us the way that He wants to be worshipped…if you don’t do it His way but your way, you are in error. Can’t come back here…but I will pray for you all.
Don’t take this the wrong way… I am SO GLAD my wife and I decided to leave the Restoration Movement altogether. She didn’t even grow up in it, and had never heard of it before she met me. I wasn’t raised “in the church” either, but was “converted” back in 1995, and decided to go into full time ministry.
I still have many friends, and much respect for anyone who has decided to tough it out in the RM… of course, many of you that do that were actually raised “in the church”. My wife and I have returned to her hometown of Evansville, and are worshipping at her the church of her childhood, Christian Fellowship Church… which is completely non-denominational… The theology is somewhere between Independent Christian and Southern Baptist, and I love it.
When I’m back in my hometown of Montgomery, I’ll still go to the Landmark Church of Christ, because that’s where my friends are, and when I’m visiting friends of mine, I’ll go to their churches, but I am so glad I don’t have to deal with the politics on a daily basis anymore.
I understand why those of you raised in the church are so passionate about it, but I got burned, and burned badly… I just don’t need it anymore. I do still wish I could attend Tulsa this year… So many people that I have so much respect for. I consider Marvin a mentor in the faith, and I look up to people like you, Jeff Walling, Bob Russell, and many others, but at the same time, I’m kinda glad I’m not in the middle of all that.
God bless,
Wow… plenty of grammatical errors in that comment. That’s what happens when you comment on no sleep, I guess.
An Observation:
It is clear that those in unrepentent sin are lost. Jesus calls us to reach those in unrepentent sin and grieve for those that are lost. Much like this particular discussion topic, much is lost in the emotion of being on the right side.. However, did you pray for a lost soldier or civilian today or did you rejoice in the defeat of an enemy? Have you considered there is virtually NO DISCUSSION of One who may have died today, died in the war on Terroism, Friend or Foe, who may have died without christ? Kinda of puts the debate and the soul winning workshop “Importance” in the scheme of things, in context in my opinion….Please be mindful of whether it is better to be right or better to be focused on those without christ, we are one in CHRIST, one Lord, One faith, one baptism,one god in all through all, those without this confidence are not united with christians which is a bigger evil than whether the workshop is successfull or not…..or wether unity is more important and at what cost. The cost of a life forever is Christs call to us to influence those without him…
just think about it..A soldier died today,a civilian died today, did you keep score on which side they died? or did you care about his or her status with christ?
Clay sends….
We lived in Utah for several years. Most don’t know this, but Mormons after reaching the age of accountability are baptized by immersion in water for the forgiveness of sins. They are our brothers and sisters then, right? Shouldn’t we also just treat them as fellow Christians, but perhaps in error?