The Filthy Fifty

Celebrate with me my friends.

For the first time in my crossfit experience, I’ve set a gym record. It was on Sunday and the workout is known as “The Filthy Fifty.” It was grueling, but great. Gym records go up on the white board in the gym where everyone can see your name and try to knock you off. I expect my name to come down soon. Some twenty-something stud will blow by me like I’m standing still, but for now, the record is mine.

Another milestone to celebrate: my body fat today was 9.6%. Never thought I’d see single digits.

Barkeep, I’d like to buy everyone in room a shot of wheatgrass juice. Make it a double.


  1. I think it will be awhile before anyone touches that record, my friend. Well done!
    Also, sorry for being ticked that you dropped down to single digit B.F. You weren’t supposed to actually do that! (kidding-I’m just jealous)
    Thanks for setting such a good example to everyone, Wade. You’re the best!

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